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Our Mission

A Statement of Purpose, Values and Vision

Aquinas College strives to be a Catholic college for the whole community. Christ is at the very heart of our philosophy. This is expressed in our commitment to the Gospel values of freedom, justice and love.

“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.”
John 10:10

We affirm and value each member of our community, recognising the dignity and unique nature of each individual. In this way the presence of Christ is celebrated. We share in each other’s strengths, support each other in our weaknesses and strive for the highest standards of achievement in all we do. We also encourage a questioning stance towards the values of our increasingly secular society. In short, we aim to provide reasons for living and hoping.

Strategic Aims 2022-25 and Curriculum Intent

  1. To provide an outstanding educational experience, in-line with our mission, which promotes the cardinal virtues and prepares students for their next steps in life.
  2. To deliver a broad and rich curriculum that develops the personal, spiritual and academic growth of all students “so that they may have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10
  3. To ensure students and staff thrive at every stage of their journey, enabling them to ‘Be More’.