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Yoga: Iyengar Beginner Level 1 & Intermediate/Advanced

Yoga: Iyengar (Beginner Level 1): Tuesday (7.30pm – 9.00pm)

Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.


Yoga helps to restore movement to your joints, increases vitality, strength and offers a sense of well-being. It is a simple and effective way to keep the joints young and your mind calm. The good news is that anyone can do it, from the creakiest to the most flexible person; no-one is too old to start.

After following a measured sequence you will have stretched your body and calmed your mind Iyengar Yoga focuses on three aspects: alignment, sequencing and timing. Alignment can be achieved through a number of different poses and effective alignment can help to achieve balance between body, mind and breath. Sequencing refers to the order in which the poses are practised during each yoga session and enables all participants to make progress.

Timing, like with other types of yoga, refers to the length of time each pose is held for and we hope that all participants will be able to make progress in their stability, strength and flexibility.
By the end of the course you will have begun to be aware of your body. Its movements, stability, capacity and coordination. You will also have learned how to begin steady, safe and sure progression in your yoga practice.

A general level of fitness is required along with a willingness to accept guidance. Adaptations can be made to enable all participants to take part in the class and be tailored to individual needs. Participants are encouraged to practise at home.

Participants will need to bring the following:

  • A yoga mat, a single layer blanket, travel rug or towels
  • 4 Blocks, 2 bricks and yoga belts can be bought in due course.

Yoga: Iyengar (Intermediate/Advanced) Tuesday (6.00pm – 7.30pm)

This course is for someone wishing to deepen their Yoga practice. Yoga helps to restore movements to your joints and increases vitality, strength and offers a sense of well-being. It is a simple and effective way of keeping the joints young and your mind calm.

The good news is that anyone can do it, from the creakiest to the most flexible person; no-one is too old to start. After following a measured sequence you will have stretched your body and calmed your mind.

Iyengar Yoga focuses on three aspects: alignment, sequencing and timing. Alignment can be achieved through a number of different poses and effective alignment can help to achieve balance between body, mind and breath. Sequencing refers to the order in which the poses are practised during each yoga session and enables all participants to make progress. Timing, like with other types of yoga, refers to the length of time each pose is held for and we hope that all participants will be able to make progress in their stability, strength and flexibility.
By the end of the course you will have begun to be aware of your body. Its movements, stability, capacity and coordination. You will also have learned how to begin steady, safe and sure progression in your yoga practice.

Ability to do a headstand and shoulderstand. Participants are encouraged to practise at home.

Participants will need to bring the following:

  • A yoga mat or blanket
  • Yoga blocks

Further Information

  • Autumn term – Beginners £127.53 / Intermediate £137.34
  • Spring term – Beginners £98.10 / £117.72
  • Summer term – £

Online enrolment available from:

  • 1st August for autumn term
  • 9th December for spring term
  • 24th March for summer term