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Admissions FAQ

Frequently asked questions for students and parents

Is it possible to visit the College before I apply?

We normally hold three Open Events in the Autumn term. At the moment we can only offer a Virtual visit. Please check our Website for further information.

Do I have to be Catholic to come to Aquinas?

We welcome applications from all faiths and no faith. Check our Admissions Page for further information.

I’m Catholic, do I have to produce proof?

Catholic applicants who do not attend a Catholic Secondary School may be asked to produce proof of baptism.

How do you prioritise applicants?

Please see our Admissions page for full details of our admissions policy.

How do I apply?
Sixth Form Admissions

Application is online via our website – click Sixth form-Apply now From Saturday 24 September 2022 until our closing date of midnight on the 30 November 2022.

Pathways SEND Department (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) Admissions

Application is online via our website – Pathways applications From Saturday 24 September 2022 until our closing date of midnight on the 30 November 2022.

What do I include in my application?

You need to answer all questions fully and include as much detail as possible.
Since we are not able to offer a place to every applicant, the quality of the application is important. You can log in and out of your application but remember to save any changes. Once you have submitted your application you will only be able to log back in to update your contact details or amend your course choice.

I’ve missed the application deadline can I still apply?

Applications in all categories submitted after our deadline will be put onto a reserve list with no guarantee of further consideration. For further information email

When do I know whether or not I have a place?

Category 1: Applicants will have a Course Consultation meeting following submission of their application and offers will be confirmed by the 16 December 2022.

Category 2: Applicants will be notified by the 16 December 2022 whether or not they have been selected for interview. Following interview, offers will be confirmed by February half term.

Do you hold any taster days?

Applicants who have been offered a place will be invited to attend one of two Welcome Days at the end of June or beginning of July. See the Admissions timeline for more details.

What if I can’t attend Welcome Day?

Welcome Day is an important introduction to Aquinas College and we strongly recommend attending. If you can’t attend the day you have been invited to, you are welcome to attend on the other day – please let us know on your acceptance form.

When is enrolment?

Enrolment is at the end of August. Students who have been offered a place will receive enrolment instructions via email after the Welcome Days. Please see the Admissions timeline for more information.

What grades will I need to be offered a place?

Our offer of a place is not subject to certain GCSE results however each subject has individual entry criteria. The better your GCSE grades the more choice of courses you will have. See our Guide to choosing courses for more information.

Can I study an A level that I haven’t studied at GCSE?

Sometimes you can, please check our Subject Entry Criteria.

Can I study BTECs with A Levels?

Yes, many combinations are possible. Your options will be fully discussed at your course consultation or interview appointment and at enrolment. See our Guide to choosing courses for more information.

How many subjects will I study?

Most students study three subjects, as well as Core studies and Enrichment

How can I get more information on courses?

Full information can be found on our individual Course pages

What is the dress code at college?

Students are able to wear whatever they want but we ask that you dress appropriately for the college environment.

Is there any financial assistance available?

Yes, we provide financial assistance through the 16-19 Bursary Fund. Please see our Bursary page for further information.

Does college have a bus service?

No we don’t. Greater Manchester Transport offers a concessionary scheme for students travelling
to and from college. Further information is available from Students living outside of Greater Manchester should consult their local travel company for information.

Course Directory Skip Courses

AAT: Bookkeeping & Accounting Levels 2 and 3

These courses are offered as introductory courses to students interested in working in accounting or as a progression route to further levels of study in bookkeeping. They are suitable for[...]

Photograph of a student studying with a calculator

Access to Higher Education Diploma

Are you looking for a fast-track route to university? Our Access to Higher Education (HE) courses allow you to get to university in one year Our Access programme is a[...]

Photograph of a student studying

Baking for Beginners *Starting January 2025*

On this course you will be making; scones, biscuits, cookies, cupcakes, shortcrust pastry, Victoria Sandwich, bread, sweet pastry and festive baked items. Each week, you will need to bring an[...]

Photograph of some baked cakes


On this course you will learn basic techniques and good working practice in order to achieve well made and successful work with this versatile material. The course focuses on the[...]

Photograph of a student making pottery

Creative Stitches and Textile Art

On this course you will learn basic techniques and good working practice in order to achieve well made and successful work with this versatile material. The course focuses on the[...]

Photograph of students work

Creative Writing

Writing develops creativity and allows us to tap into our inner world to enjoy exploring our ideas. Sometimes getting things down in black and white can even help sort out[...]

Crochet for Beginners

This course is for total beginners. You will learn all crochet stitches, how to increase and decrease, pattern reading and understanding.


This class is designed for total beginners and those at intermediate level. We will start with the basics, and you will develop your skills over the course. You will learn[...]

Photograph of dresses created by Aquinas students

English / Maths GCSE

Each GCSE course is taught as a one year part-time course, designed for those who: May have been out of education for a while and would like another opportunity to[...]

Photograph of a student holding a calculator

ESOL – English for Speakers of Other Languages

You will study English/ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) at Pre-entry, Entry level 1- 3 or Level 1 or 2, dependant on the outcome of your language assessment, which you[...]

Essential Digital Skills

Essential Digital Skills Qualifications are modern qualifications designed to enable adults to develop their knowledge and skills to use in their personal lives, or to support them in their careers.[...]

Photograph of a man operating a computer

Floral Design

This course is designed for anyone who is new to floristry or for those who have prior experience and want to perfect their designs for special events and occasions. Beginners[...]

Photograph of some flower designs produced by students


We offer a range of French language levels to suit beginner through to a higher conversation level. You will be taught a range of topics designed to help you when[...]

Cropped photograph of a French teacher teaching in a classroom.


We offer a range of German language levels to suit beginner through to a higher intermediate level (see below). You will be taught a range of topics designed to help[...]

Photograph of a student studying German


We offer a range of Italian language levels to suit beginner through to a higher intermediate level (details below). You will be taught a range of topics designed to help[...]

Mathematics Foundation GCSE – Edexcel

Each GCSE course is taught as a one year part-time course, designed for those who: May have been out of education for a while and would like another opportunity to[...]

Photograph of a student holding a calculator

Men’s over 50 Fitness Class *NEW for January 2025*

This course is designed to help you improve your own health and fitness by taking part in group and individual exercise activities. There will be opportunities for you to work[...]

Painting & Drawing

This is a one-year course paid termly which covers the basic techniques in Drawing, Painting and simple printmaking. This course is designed for those who have little or no knowledge[...]

Photograph of a student painting on canvas.

Painting for Pleasure

This course is ideal for those who have never painted before but would like to learn in a friendly and supportive environment with an experienced teacher. The course starts with[...]

Photograph of a student using water colours to create a painting.


Pilates exercises strengthen and tone muscles and can improve flexibility, balance and posture. The class is suitable for all levels including beginners and all exercises can be adapted for individual[...]

Science Combined GCSE – double award (Trilogy) – AQA

Each GCSE course is taught as a one year part-time course. To apply for this course you must already hold Level 2 Functional skills OR a Grade C (4) or[...]

Photograph of a student holding a calculator

Sewing for Beginners *New for January 2025*

You will be doing hand and machine sewing. We will be making bags, purses, pencil cases and cushion covers.


We offer a range of Spanish language levels to suit beginner through to a higher conversation level (details below). You will be taught a range of topics designed to help[...]

Photograph of a Spanish icon on the wall.

Watercolours (Beginners and Improvers)

This course is ideal for those who have never painted before but would like to learn in a friendly and supportive environment with an experienced teacher. The course starts with[...]

Photograph of a student using water colours to create a painting.

Yoga: Iyengar Beginner Level 1 & Intermediate/Advanced

Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.